Within the summer of 1986 an eminent American synth producer released a machine with a surprising new method of developing sound, that machine was the Sequential Prophet VS and the strategy was vector synthesis. A ground-breaking instrument in its time and still sought-after to this day, the Prophet VS was ill-fated and its disappointment signalled the conclusion of Sequential’s recognized legacy. Unnecessary to say, the tonal range and sheer adaptability of the Prophet VS were brilliant.
The advanced vector synthesis motor of the VS was put before an all-analogue signal way with famous Curtis amps and channels giving it extraordinary warmth and an unmistakable character, the palette of sounds that were conceivable with it was gigantic. Not as it did it offer a world of never-before listened sounds but it seems closely mimic both the analogue classics and its cutting edge advanced peers alike.
Vector Pro starts with one of these uncommon treasures, a completely adjusted Sequential Prophet VS. Sound designers at UVI studio poured over and through this machine to form a huge number of patches, from the textbook classics to the wild and exploratory, resulting in a genuine piece of the machine’s capabilities.
Two fundamental structures are given in Vector Master, VS and VX. Vector Master VS offers a proficient and adaptable single oscillator framework that communicates quite unmistakably the qualities of the Prophet VS. Vector Pro VX takes things a step assist with a dual-layer system built on a library of crude multi-sampled waveforms. As a reward, UVI included Vector Pro 22. Made with in the same profundity and design as Vector Master VS, Vector Professional 22 subtle elements the classic Yamaha SY22 vector synthesizer.
Vector Pro offers a colossal extend of sounds of both immaculate quality and unmistakable character. An awesome sounding instrument beyond any doubt to give the power to sound designers, producers, composers or anybody else looking for sonic motivation.
Image: UVI