Couture by Auburn Sounds is the ultimate transient control plug-in that also is a saturation machine. Both sections are made to work together in different scenarios like drum tracks to increase dynamics and then to top it off with a little distortion. Crude Effectiveness. Increment or diminish elements. Get a usable result in no time. Fully Volume-independent. Keep the flexibility to alter input pick up when required. Counting the Saturation stage. Laser-sharp. Couture’s 2-bands, half-spectral, RMS, program-dependent locator finds each and each temporal. No inner edges.
There’s regularly a few covers in utilization cases between immersion and flow. Both can be utilized to control crests. A few drifters lean toward saturation, others lean toward dynamics. Couture comes with both Transitory and Saturation segments to form related choices at the same time. In the case of a drum track, you’ll be able to increment flow and crush it afterwards with distortion. Transient Shaping is traditionally volume-independent. Auburn Sounds extended the Saturation stage to be volume-independent. When using Couture you can keep the freedom to change input gain afterwards, so no problem. This avoids some gain-staging dependencies in your signal chain, that may backfire later in the mixing stage, which is not good.
In common terms, a compressor is to some degree longer to tune and its parameters alter volume: assault, release, ratio, threshold… they alter output pick up whereas you tune them. Essentially, the Transitory area of Couture has as it were 3 parameters and they have semantic meaning: Sharpen: include or remove elements in one press, how “sharp” the signal is Speed: time scale of captured transients Front vs Back of the captured note. When turned to Front, the Sharpen handle acts just like the Assault handle on a customary Transitory Shaper. When turned to Front, the Sharpen knob acts more just like the Support handle on a customary Temporal Shaper. To make strides consistency, Couture’s behaviour is 100% program-dependent. Couture catches drifters exceptionally precisely by design.
Image: Aubrun Sounds