The primary 2500 arrangement synth modules came out in the ’70s and tended to be extremely costly. They were basically all discrete transistor designs with a few op-amps as at the time op-amps were high cost. The discrete circuitry gave the modules an awfully unmistakable sound and was utilized by craftsmen just Like the Who, Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Kraftwerk and so numerous more, giving us a few of the most prominent records and film soundtracks we’ve ever listened to. Secluded synths were a point of interest improvement in electronic music and nowadays, it’s almost to urge better.
The Clocked Sequential Control Module 1027is a true reproduction of the initial “System 2500” circuitry from the 70s that can fit in a standard Eurorack case. The leading portion? It’s at a really reasonable cost. Mix the Clocked Sequential Control Module 1027 in along with your existing rig or begin your modular synth travel from here. Either way, you’re beyond any doubt to have a lot of fun. Module 1027 is a classic 8-step 3 channel sequencer. 1027 highlights a fundamentally 8-step counter with an expansive rate control handle and low/high run switch to set the culminate beat for your perfect work of art, the counter moreover highlights a beat width control and a switch to empower outside control for included adaptability, a huge enlightened on/off switch and manual step and reset switches.
The 3 sets of 8 colour coded handles permit you full control over the 3 CV yield voltages to control outside VCO recurrence or channel cut off recurrence for each step of the sequence.1027 gives you comprehensive connectivity. The step and reset inputs permit further control of the step rate and sequencer reset, whereas the on/off inputs permit other modules to begin and halt the grouping. With the rate and width inputs, you have got full CV control of step rate and beat width. You will also find 3 sequencer outputs, given to control the modules you want, as well as a clock output from the step counter. And at last, 8 position entryway yields that permit you to trigger other modules from any of the 8 steps.
Image: Behringer