
There was one reason to form RH450: making bass way better. There’s a committed bass group at TC, folks that gig, record, practice, live and breathe bass. So when they got a chance to at last do an amp, they built ‘the best amp possible’ from the ground up. The result is a compact, capable amp with a set of highlights so progressed we like to think of them as Bass Amp 2.0. Rh450 uses the 4-band semi-parametric EQ to shape your fundamental tone. At that point apply SpectraComp and/or TubeTone for the wrapping up a touch.

RH450 is made for bass lovers by bass lovers

Traditional compressors tend to be controlled by the lower strings as it were, but with multi-band compression, you get indeed ‘per string’ compression. TubeTone imitates not as it were a tube preamp, but moreover the control amp area of a classic tube amp. Why no one has ever done this some time recently is basically past us. Including an onboard chromatic tuner makes life so much simpler for everyone! The tuner is continuously on, and you’ll be able to check your tuning state at any point. And after you have to be tune-up between tunes, the built-in tuner will get you back and playing in seconds. Swarms fair despise to hold up!

Why no one has ever done this some time recently is basically past us. Including an onboard chromatic tuner makes life so much simpler for everyone! The tuner is continuously on, and you’ll be able to check your tuning state at any point. And after you have to be tune-up between tunes, the built-in tuner will get you back and playing in seconds. Swarms fair despise to hold up. Need to switch effectively between your presets, or tune-up without having to turn around? The RC4 Farther is your solution! You pick up add up to control right at your feet, and it’ll moreover permit you to quickly quiet the amp for quiet tuning in-betweens tunes.

Image: Tc Electronic