Roland has just rolled out of the line a new superb hardware device that’ll enable you to produce a complete song without even using your computer: the Verselab MV-1. When inspiration strikes you, this new hardware will aid you in capturing, refining, and finishing your complete ideas. This fantastic hands-on interface can record vocals, generate pattern, and pack thousands of sounds. Plus, you can also add mastering effects and more. Producing music can take up a lot of time, expertise, and money, but with the Verslab MV-1 you might kickstart your ambitions for a fraction of the time and money you’d normally need. In brief, with it, you can produce a radio-ready track with minimal complications.
Verselab MV-1: Features
Whether you’re a beatmaker or a vocalist, the Verselab MV-1 will make it easy for you to start making good sounding tracks in no time (regarding your skill). Moreover, the interface has great features. For example, there’s a high-quality XLR mic input paired to an Auto-Pitch. Also, there’s a Harmonizer effect to get the most out of your voice. Rest assured, Roland has got your back with great sounds that have defined the hip-hop legacy through today’s modern genres. This device is ready with over 3000 sounds for you to greet the next hit song.
If you need more sounds, be sure to get Zen Core, a core synthesis system that is at the heart of many prop synthesizers by Roland. With it, you’ll be able to expand your sound library with thousands of sounds. Plus, there’s the chance to get genre-specific sound packs, which is amazing. If you want to connect the Verselab MV-1 to your computer, smartphone or tablet, be sure to do it with Zenbeats.
Image: Roland