The miniBit plug-in by AudioThing is an 8-bit chiptune synthesizer that emulates 80’s game consoles and old computers. The plug-in features a principal oscillator with 15 waveforms paired to another sub-oscillator. With the built-in bit-crusher, you can push the limits and create noisier retro sounds. The new version of the plug-in has more features not regularly included on a regular chip tune synth. All in all, you get more bang for your buck.
The plug-in was inspired by the classic sounds of 80’s and 90’s game consoles and retro computer sounds. Waveforms were carefully created and edited with an amiga 1200. Meanwhile, other sounds were recreated by compiling a large library of games and game consoles’ sounds. The onboard sequencer automates parameters such as volume, pitch, cutoff, waveform and resonance. The sequencing of the waveforms will produce sounds that will be reminiscent of old-school synthesizers and wavetables.
MiniBit has a custom waveform editor that features 32 steps and 8 wave slots per preset. Therefore, drawing waveforms with your mouse directly on the editor comes easy. There are also examples ready to lead for some fast application and to have a starting point. This plug-in includes 15 waveforms, a sub-oscillator, and poly and mono modes with glide. In turn, these have low and high pass filters, delay and bitcrusher effects. Also, the onboard mini bit is an LFO with multiple destinations and an 8 steps stepper.
There are 50 presets plus a preset randomizer, the accepted formats are VST, AU and AAX for both 32 and 64-bit formats. Intel core 2 duo is needed as a minimum system requirement or an AMD Athlon 64 X2 with 4 GB of ram.
Image: Audio Thing