Telefunken Elektroakustik has suspended standard generation of the AC701 based ELA M 251 microphone. The ELA M 251E highlights the more common GE JAN 6072a vacuum tube. The Telefunken ELA M 251 intensifier circuit was initially built to fulfill the standardized necessities of the German and Austrian national broadcast frameworks after World War II. It uses a Telefunken AC701 vacuum tube. In addition, it has a CK12 capsule given by AKG Acoustics GmbH, and a Haufe made T14:1 proportion yield transformer. The ELA M 251 has accomplished incredible stature within the present-day recording industry.
ELA M 251 Microphone is neat
The AC701 is a sub-miniature triode vacuum tube that produces an awfully rich and extravagant tone. It was created for mouthpiece applications. It is built from a glass-walled in area. Its characteristics incorporate an awfully moo self-noise floor, a moo degree of microphonics, and a penchant for outstandingly long life. Obviously, so long as the voltages given by the control supply were adjusted and steady. This implied distant less support and reliable results. Today, prime cases of vintage ELA M 250/251 [both “E” and “non E”] mouthpieces have gotten to be uncommon and profoundly looked for after gems. They have been sold for tens of thousands of dollars on the vintage advertising.
Telefunken Elektroakustik’s noteworthy amusements of the ELA M 251 represent the most excellent qualities of the finest examples of these amazing mammoths, and whereas more costly than most cutting edge receivers, they are genuine to the legacy of their 50+ year ancient brethren. Apparently, the foremost excellent amplifier ever created, the Telefunken ELA M 250 / 251 was initially sold in two varieties: the “ELA M 250E / 251E” form utilized a 6072a tube, whereas the “ELA M 250 / 251” form contained a Telefunken AC701 tube.
The “no-suffix” amplifiers were built to fulfil the standardized necessities of the German and Austrian national broadcast frameworks. Whereas both forms of these amplifiers have achieved incredible stature within the cutting edge recording industry, the street to accomplishing this incredible status was distant from immediate.
Image: Telefunken