Audio filters are electronic circuits whose design either amplifies or attenuates specific frequency range elements. This removes unwanted from the audio signal, enhancing the tone of the output. They are essential in any audio system, but people also use them widely in both audio electronics and telecommunications.
Types of Audio Filters: Various Classifications
Equalizers and Crossovers
There are several types of audio filters, such as equalizers and crossovers. Equalizers are electronic filters that are capable of amplifying the audio signal according to a frequency-dependent function. In contrast, crossovers are electronic filters that split the input signal into different frequency ranges.
Kinds of Audio Filters: Passive and Active
Other catalogación includes two main kinds of filters: passive and active. Passive filters don’t need a power source to operate properly, whereas active filters require a DC power source. Both passive and active audio filters are typical in electronic components. In addition, they fall into the following subcategory: passive high pass filter, active high pass filter, passive low pass filter, active low pass filter, passive band filter, active band filter, passive band stop filter, and active bandstop filter.
Frequency Response
Another common way to classify audio filters is regarding their frequency response. This classification goes as follows: high pass filter, low pass filter, bandpass filter, bandstop filter, notch filter, all-pass filter, and equalization filter.
Firstly, high pass filters pass all frequencies above its cut off frequency while blocking all frequencies that lie below the cut off frequency. Secondly, low pass ones pass all frequencies below its cut off frequency while blocking all frequencies above it. Thirdly, bandpass pass all frequencies except those ranging between the lower and the higher cut-off. Fourthly, notch filters have a very high quality because of its extremely narrow stopband. In fifth place, all pass filters are capable of passing all frequencies while altering the phase relationship between them. Finally, equalizer filters amplify frequencies according to frequency-dependent functions.