As a music producer or sound engineer, it’s essential for you to know how important and useful training your ears is. And, even more so, to impart this type of training to others constantly. These ear training sessions can mend you with great listening skills. In turn, these will help you a lot during your mix aiding, particularly to identify the frequencies and sounds that you hear. Training your ears will enable you to make better decisions on what changes to apply or not. In short, you’ll get the results you’re looking for in your mixing and sound design adventures. However, having a good set of EQ skills doesn’t come easy and fast. Rather, it’s a matter of time and regular training for your ears and nervous system to assimilate frequencies.
Training Your Ears with TrainYourEars
TrainYourEars is a software that trains your ears in a particularly quick and easy way. In this program, you’ll exercise various factors. For example, you’ll guess band-pass filter positions and correcting opposing shelving filter. Similarly, you can train basic boost and cut with the band filter, find opposite high and low shelf filters, and learn octaves with a band-pass filter. There are more training presents available in the program, but you can also design your own exercises. All in all, this will keep you busy and training for a while. This program is straight forward with a and b answers. Moreover, it isn’t stepped or dance between each frequency to confuse you. Regardless, the only limitation here is that you need to at least have some basic EQ concepts.
If you’re a music producer or sound engineer, it’s advisable that you dedicate a couple of minutes training and exercising your ears and nervous system every week. Doing this will definitely calibrate your reference point and will make your mixing and sound design workflow more fluent.