Augmented Piano

Augmented Piano conveys a special collection of 24 piano arrangements. These have been made and recorded on a wonderful 1909 Pleyel fantastic piano. Ever pondered what a piano would sound like played with a bow, guitar chooses, or culled together with your fingers? What if you may layer those sounds beside contrasting assault and rot times? Presently you’ll be able. With Augmented Piano UVI needed to go past conventional arranged piano sounds and offer something both unused and rousing, giving away for performers to effectively create and investigate unused tones and expressive possibilities with an instrument they as of now know and cherish.

Augmented Piano enhances all you music

From supported to percussive, customary to unfamiliar, Augmented Piano is a deep-dive into the sound plan rabbit gap with a 1909 Pleyel Amazing. The result is an extraordinary choice of 24 arrangements, faultlessly captured with 3 amplifier sets; a stereo Royer lace mic, a stereo pair of BK condensers, and a mono PZM (weight zone microphone). Per source, each note was recorded with different speeds and round-robins for both the support and discharge segments of the sound. An amazing 23,889 tests were recorded and altered in all, giving Augmented Piano a real nitty-gritty, expressive and common sound.

Augmented Piano includes 24 preparations, which you can use in various ways. As committed instruments they each have an interesting character. From the delicate emphasizes of the Brush Slide to the bell-like tones of the Tack. And don’t forget the metallic grates from the Screws, or the unbounded maintains of the eBow. You can stack arrangements as layers to form rich cross-breed sounds that would be impossible to play physically. This, thanks to its easy-to-use multi framework in UVI Workstation and Falcon. Other cool features are the Metal Adhere with the supported Bow sound. Also, the Brush Tap and the Finger cull. These serve to include a slight refrain, delay, and reverb for an ethereal sound.

Image: UVI