Within the world of measured amalgamation, there are certain names that command worship and regard, like Moog, Buchla, Doepfer, and Serge, but there are others that rouse the kind of effervescing charm and fervour that essentially won’t take off you alone until you’ve filled your room and half the passage too. Mutable Disobedient have been making Eurorack modules in that last mentioned category for nearly a decade, and presently Clouds the texturizing module which sold like insane in equipment and got to be a firm favourite of devotees around the world is accessible for Softube Secluded.
Presently ceased in equipment, Clouds has been one of the foremost cherished Eurorack modules out there for a long time. Clouds permit the client to condense approaching signals into sound beads between 16ms and 1 second long like employing a tap to make a controlled trickle from the audio stream and control those beads in so numerous diverse ways you may effortlessly pass a stormy end of the week or two analyzing the capabilities of this module alone.
Clean through the sound buffer. Alter the test measure and surface. Make choppy cadenced commotion out of the smoothest input. On the other hand, change a catch drum into an encompassing ramble or soundscape by stacking beads increasingly thickly until a reverb-like storm system builds. Move pitch, extend time, nourish back, until the tone you need sparkles through. An advanced module, Clouds covers up covered up profundities behind its every control and learning its limits and conceivable outcomes is an experience in itself. It indeed encompasses a built-in reverb to include additional vibe and space to any flag passing through.
Clouds are incredible for disfiguring approaching drum circles into trippy, twitching breakouts. You’ll be able to utilize it as an essential sampler by solidifying the buffer, taking a depiction of your sound. Or robotize an input flag, by utilizing an outside oscillator to rapidly solidify and un-freeze the sound stream. Attempt utilizing Clouds like a wavetable by populating the buffer with different diverse tones. Or basically include a few coarseness and surface to a flag with a granular, unpredictable delay tail. A kind of natural sonic friction. If the modular union is approximately making the foremost differing palettes conceivable for the sound plan, at that point no framework is total without Clouds. Include it in your setup nowadays, and make it rain.
Image: Softube