The Wall by Boz Digital Labs is a brick wall limiter with a mission to make your mixes loud and powerful without messing it up. The interface is really simple to use with just a pair of easy steps to get the job done. No matter what side of the uproar wars you’ve chosen to plant yourself on, the need to make mixes uproarious for clients isn’t going absent any time soon. Sending your clients home with a mix that’s just as loud as the professional mixes they are used to hearing is a critical portion of any mixing engineer’s work.
You have arrived to The Wall. Stop
It’s really absurd when you tune into your mix and your hard work turns to waste when pushing the mix loud. That’s why Boz Digital Labs made this plug-in. You need a mastering limiter that lets you push your mixes loud and still keep the punch in your drums and keep your tonality as is. There are numerous Limiters out there. One of the things that Boz learned while making this is plug-in is that a great limiting algorithm is complicated.
Transparently limiting music has lots of steps, and most of the parameters are totally non-intuitive. When you are mastering your music, you need to think about the times. Release and attack times, lookahead times, window shapes, multiband crossover frequencies and more. But you have to dial within the limiter to coordinate the music you are sending out. This means Boz Digital Labas took over 30 parameters and combined them into a very basic and instinctive “Flavor” control.
It truly couldn’t be less demanding to use. You set your level, then alter the flavour until it sounds great together with your melody. And on the off chance that that’s not sufficient, the Wall comes with 3 totally diverse limiting algorithms merely can switch through exceptionally quickly. The plug-in is truly easy to use.
Image: Boz Digital Labs