Vinyl Lab by Stagecraft Software is a turntable mixing style interface that has been designed for your DAW. It is the companies take on DJ software with a twist to it, it will give you the tools to browse all your music libraries to have it ready to be loaded, matched, mixed and looped. There is full VST/AU plugin facilitating capabilities included and effects chaining, in-app online sound searching and remixing to alter the key and rhythm of any track in your library.
Vinyl Lab comes with a wide array of local effects, and proficient effects chaining features, not at all like other DJ software. Vinyl Lab may be a VST/AU have, so you’ll be able to open and utilize millions of plugins. Additionally, all the parameters can be quantized in more ways than just the normal straight or triplets. This implies that the live creation of beats and control of effects is great. With Vinyl Lab you’ll be able to modify the pitch and tempo of tracks freely. This implies you’ll loop tracks and samples that would regularly not sound right when put together. You can at that point remix and send out your tracks to any key and beat so that they can be utilized in other applications.
The samples and loops are the heart of this plug-in. It offers exceptional control of an environment that can play overlapping loops in perfect time, and drop-in samples at will. Controlling the way that loops associated in a melodic environment, alongside turntables has continuously been a challenge for existing DJ software. We provide you full control, permitting turntablism in ways never seen before. The application can be run as a standalone either on Mac and Windows computers or as a VST.
Image: Stagecraft Software