Ever since the low pass gate was concocted by Wear Buchla for his 200 arrangement rebellious within the early 1970s, moo pass doors have been proclaimed for their capacity to include an exact and natural reaction to measured synth patches. They work by applying an envelope to a moo pass channel with its 0-voltage cutoff recurrence way underneath capable of being heard extend, so when the envelope is down, the ‘gate’ is closed. As a note rots, its tall frequencies die soonest – similar to most acoustic sounds.
The use of a vactrol, or light-based sensor, like those utilized in optical compressors, loan this plan indeed more similar and melodic reaction. Refined and extended by Doepfer, and presently accessible as a formally authorized extension for Softube Measured, the Doepfer A-101-2 Vactrol LPG includes a few sciences to your patches. The equipment Doepfer LPG modules are based on vactrols, rather like opto compressors. The reaction time of these can change fiercely, which is a portion of the LPG charm. Softube’s plug-in form of the Doepfer LPG includes the Vact switch which isn’t a Portion of the first equipment. This lets the user select between a quick, medium or moderate reaction time, to cover the variety between person analogue units.
Being able to offer something in software that doesn’t exist in equipment may be exciting for us here at Softube, but we never do it on the off chance that it implies compromising on quality. Fortunately, we were able to urge our hands-on and demonstrate the characteristics of, numerous modules to bring this highlight to life. Buying this module gives you over thirty unused and motivating presets, immediately putting the Doepfer LPG to great utilize in your Modular rack.
Image: Softube