The Vocal Mint Compressor is a one-knob multi-stage compressor for voice that builds a complete compression chain of any vocal track with only one movement. The plugin consists of different interesting pre-tuned compressors. Each includes a special analog-like stage that resembles the model of a real valve. Particularly, this vocal compressor is perfect for radio broadcasters and podcasters. It features three non-linear compression stages, smash compressor, valve compressor, and the multi-band compressor. This sequence helps to arrange and cure all kinds of typical problems related to the human voice.
Vocal Mint Compressor: Features
The subtle tone shaping in this compressor delivers an EQ shaping. With the plugin menu, you can open the panel for additional control such as Zoom option and DBU calibration, among others. The latter acts as an operation point setting of the compressors. Thus, it impacts the sufficiency at which the compression begins to be more significant. When set at 0.0 dBFS, the plugin will compress less than when calibrated, say, at -24.0 dBFS. Manufacturing plant default setting is -9.0 dBFS.
Most one-knob plugins only work on one parameter or only do one thing. In contrast, the Vocal Mint Compressor is for you to operate simply. However, in the backend, there is much more happening. It runs the track through it virtual signal chain to chain and tune a lot of parameters of your voice in since single move. In short, it’s for you to focus on the creative process and not to spend hours behind modify multiple parameters.
Lastly, the system requirements for this plugin are, for Mac users, OS x 10.9 to OS X 10.15. For Windows users, you’ll need at least Windows 7 or Windows 10 with the 32/64 bit rate. The same goes for Mac users.
Image: Audified