Drum Mastering

Drum mastering using parallel compression is a great way to mix tracks and to fix specific issues. Users are usually aware that when drums include a wide variety of elements, the impact produced in specific sounds is considerably lower. Producers know that one way to reduce this effect is by using parallel compression.

Mastering Drums: Acoustic

When using acoustic drums, some recording features interfere with the mixing. Producers record the majority of acoustic drums using several mics. Each microphone produces a specific effect. Some are for the overall sound, while others for overheads, for instance. Also, the mixed output of these devices provides a wide range of phase interactions caused, typically, by slight differences in timing. When this effect occurs, some kit components lose their overall impact. 

This phenomenon is quite common when using the drum mastering technique mentioned in the first paragraph. Producers agree that parallel compression is the solution to many issues regarding this sound method. Parallel compression acts by reducing this phenomenon and reinforcing the impact and body in the mix. The drum kit stem involves components such as snare, hi-hats, and kick. 

Drum Mastering: an Ode

Drums are the foundation of mixing in a wide variety of music types, especially the contemporary genres. In addition, they are the heart and soul of many music genres, including rock music. Moreover, they add vitality to music and add pulse to songs, as well as moving and breathing to the tempo. Drums also modify sounds, which provides an extra punch or a total disaster. Furthermore, they usually add feeling and emotion to any given sound, and they can easily blend into any musical mix. Overall, drums have a complex nature and they cover the overall audible frequency spectrum. Because of this, they represent a challenge for both professional users, as well as beginners. Therefore, one must master them.

Compression is key to a great drum mix. Parallel compression is a great way to add grit, aggression, as well as energy to any drum mix.