MIDI Controllers

A Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI controllers, is any hardware or software that produces and transmits MIDI data to MIDI-enabled devices. This process triggers sounds and controls parameters of electronic music performances. Engineers typically use MIDI to send MIDI data to a music-making software. When the software receives the data, a sound generates.

MIDI Controllers: What They Are For

They are a simple way to sequence music and play virtual instruments. They sends data to a synth or computer, which in turn receives the signal, interprets it, and produces a sound.

MIDI controllers and MIDI keyboards are two different things. In other words, each one is for specific tasks. The first ones are for adding modulations and sound effects. In contrast, the second ones, are for playing and performing tunes. MIDI keyboards add creativity and personality to sounds, as they turn them into more complex and unique tunes. Experts sometimes use these to control other units, such as digital audio mixers, complex guitar effects devices, and stage lights.

But Beware

They don’t create musical sounds by themselves: the user has to control their interface. When the user interacts with the controller, s/he creates MIDI data, which then transmits through a synth or sound module. When this happens, a sound emerges and a loudspeaker amplifies it. Although the electronic musical keyboard MIDI controller is the most popular one, many audio control surfaces are MIDI controllers because they are based in this hardware (or software).

MIDI Controllers: Types

There are several types. They include keyboards, wind, drum and percussion, stringed instrument, specialized performance, as well as non-traditional ones. 


As you can see, MIDI keyboards are quite helpful, but not essential to create music on a computer. MIDI controllers add a human touch to any given sound. In addition, they save the producer a lot of time.