
AudioThing features a series of plugins that range from vintage valve emulation to complex convolution processing. Particularly, its design is for producers, sound designers, and composers from all levels of expertise. For example, Springs, Reels, miniVerb, Type A, Type B, Megaphone, Outer Space, Orb, Space Strip, Vinyl Strip, Speakers, Fog Convolver, Frostbite 2, Phase Motion 2, Valves, and Wave Box are all included in this amazing collection.

AudioThing: the Plugins

Since these are worth examining, here’s an exploration of what these 16 plugins by AudioThing do.


Firstly, Springs is a plugin that includes an array of vintage spring reverbs paired with an authentic Baxandall equalizer emulation. It features emulations from different types of these. AudioThing intends to mimic the peculiarities of each one of them. Thus, the Springs plugin includes unique sounding tone stack EQ, as well as several presets.


Secondly, Reels is a tape emulation plugin with a built-in echo section and a tape-stop effect. It tries to mimic every imperfection perceived in reel-to-reel recorders, as well as those analog imperfections of tape recording and playback. Similarly, it adds a rough retro analog sound to mixes with a Hi-Fi mastering vintage tape emulation.


Thirdly, miniVerb tries to mimic the reverb effects perceived in many game consoles and retro computers. It intends to recreate a classic digital echo/reverb sound from yesteryear. In particular, it features echo, vibrato, pre/post filter, crusher, and several presets.

Type A

In fourth place, Type A is a plugin that intents to mimic a vintage tape encoder. The creation of the latter was originally for noise reduction and playback. This plugin simulates this encode stage, achieving a result that is quite similar to a dynamic equalizer. In addition, it features an adjustable unite noise, a vintage enhancer, a multiband compressor, and several presets.

Type B

Following that, Type B is a plugin that tries to reconstruct the vintage exciter effect. The latter was, in its origin, an addition of brightness and presence to instrument tracks and vocals. Overall, it allows users to have better control over the exciter circuit emulation. It includes a vintage exciter, an adjustable noise unit, and other features.


Then Megaphone is a plugin that mimics a loudspeaker effect. Musicians typically use this plugin to make any audio sound as if a bullhorn played it. It includes a couple of loudspeaker emulations, feedback and slapback, as well as precise overdrive and bandwidth control.

Outer Space

Additionally, Outer Space is a plugin that intends to mimic a vintage tape echo. AudioThing has managed to recreate three different tape types, each of which affect sounds in alternative ways. The repeat rate will affect the tape frequency response.


Furthermore, Orb is a formant filter plugin that tries to mimic the uniqueness of the human voice. It includes several bandpass filters, a set of LFOs, and a Drift. This plugin also allows users to create their own set of vowels.

Space Strip

Space Strip is a multi-effect plugin whose organization is in several modules. This plugin is capable of adding depth and space to any given sound.

Vinyl Strip

Similarly, Vinyl Strip is also a multi-effect plugin with several different modules which you can organize and reorganize.


Speakers is a plugin effect whose design specifically mimics loudspeakers and mics.

Fog Convolver

Moreover, Fog Convolver is a convolution plugin that adds the sonic character of an impulse response to other sounds in real-time.

Frostbite 2

Frostbite 2 is a spectral freezing plugin that mixes with a ring modulator and a feedback module. The reverb-convolution-spectral combination is capable of transforming ordinary sounds into soundscapes, ambient textures, and frozen reverbs.

Phase Motion 2

Phase Motion 2 is a stereo phaser plugin that features different waveforms.


Second to last, Valves is a vintage valve emulation plugin with a multimode resonant filter.

Wave Box

Finally, Wave Box is a dynamic dual waveshaper plugin for distortion.

AudioThing: Final Note

This bundle is available for both iOS and Windows.