Hyperspace by United Plugins is an algorithmic reverb plug-in. It gives you the tools to create reverbs from extensive processor algorithms. The sound rage of these processors extends from vintage, classic and retro, all the way to modern and sci-fi. Hyperspace permits you to effectively make your claim algorithms in a quick and natural way. From vintage plates or classic hardware to super practical spaces or out of this world ethereal surfaces. United Plugins used machine learning to rate over 20 million value sets and selected the best to use. All you’ve got to do is use the pads to induce an incredible sounding reverb that’s special to you.
Also, regular reverb can wash out sounds and bring them back into the mix, losing center and clarity. Hyperspace gives you 4 amazingly valuable mixing tools that control your reverb to fit superbly in your mix. Among these tools are spectral clamour partition, ducking, and transient recovery and more. These interesting processors give you full control over the shape of your reverb and sound. The dice images are keen randomizers that dial valuable settings to provide you incredible sounding reverbs in just one tap. With 3 levels of arbitrariness, you’ll be able to utilize them to quietly alter the character of your existing sound or unleash chaos to astonish and motivate you.
The plug-in gives you an astonishing sum of control of your reverb, with a basic to use interface. The super clean foundation vanishes letting your eyes centre on the controls that matter, with colour coded zones to assist you rapidly discover your way around the plugin. The GUI is additionally resizable and HDPI consistent, so it’ll fit superbly on any screen. Hyperspace has the great audio quality and uses 64-bit audio processing at any sample rate.
Image: United Plugins