Solid-state guitar amplifiers are based on a semiconductor or on a transistor. They are lighter, tougher, cheaper, and more reliable than the tube-based versions. In addition, they have many versions that vary in output power, size, price, and sound quality. This type of amps also vary in terms of functionality.
Solid-State Guitar Amplifiers: Main Features
Solid-state guitar amps can travel a wide spectrum: from practice amplifiers and combos used for live performances to professional models that are ideal for musicians that do studio recording work. They produce a clean sound that doesn’t have many distortions within it. This is an essential element that bassists and keyboard players need to consider when choosing the right alternative, so it’s rather common among them. Most professional guitarists choose vacuum-tube amplifiers, while some jazz guitarists prefer solid-state amps. That being said, high-end amps for this particular category are not quite common.
The Cost-effective Choice
Solid-state guitar amplifiers are less expensive, for they contain less expensive pieces. Similarly, they require maintenance less often and the pieces that conform the amp don’t tend to need replacements overall. Money-wise, this is a great advantage, since these amplifiers can work out pretty steady for many years.
The Inevitable Cons
As in everything, solid-state amplifiers also have disadvantages; here, we list two. First, transistor-based amplifiers are not that versatile because they tend to produce sweet, warm, and distorted sounds that are suitable only for some. Because of the warm and sweet nature of their sounds, some tube amps on home stereos have the same effect. This sound is appropriate for many instruments, but most solid-state guitar amplifiers are not able to produce it. Evidently, the choice varies from person to person, and from instrument to instrument. Second, these amps cannot handle heavy amp distortion effects. So, for heavy amp distortion, many players choose the tube-based versions.