Flashback 2 Delay

FLASHBACK 2 DELAY packs the whole delay bequest in a single compact and reliable stompbox. It has been designed for contemporary use and for the long run as well. Pound’s groundbreaking innovation includes an expression pedal for a world-class delay stompbox. This reacts to your touch and saves precious pedalboard space. Furthermore, it combines the ethereal world of delay with extreme individual expression. Throw in the new gemstone delay calculation and two additional TonePrint slots, and the incredible soon-to-be-amazing FLASHBACK 2 DELAY brings a wealth of unused dimensionality to your journey through tonal a3narchy.

Regardless of your background and needs, FLASHBACK 2 DELAY gives you the tools to reinvigorate your inventiveness like nothing else. It highlights groundbreaking unused innovation that brings a wide run of imaginative expression to the party and is controlled exclusively by how much weight you apply to the discouraged footswitch. A long time within the making, and as it were accessible in select TC ELECTRONIC items, this intelligent advancement raises the common footswitch well over the ordinary obligations of fair “On” and “Off”.

FLASHBACK 2 DELAY includes stone impact. This feature employs the same calculation that made the mind-blowing SUB ’N’ UP OCTAVER. Raising the pitch an octave through each revolution, the gemstone delay creates an otherworldly glimmer. And you’ll be able to select from an add up to of 8 dazzling delay choices, counting hyper-realistic Tape, Cutting edge, Invert and much more. This tool is nothing short of excellent.

Given the excellence in quality, this item is a great idea for all people who need a great delay.

Image: Tc Electronic