Unity Sound propelled their unused Mini-Rock 2 way dynamic screen at the 2018 NAMM appearance. As the title suggests, this modern expansion speaks to the littlest demonstrate within the company’s proficient dynamic screen extend to date measuring 279mm tall, 184 mm wide, 256 mm profound, (10.98″ tall x 7.24″ wide x 10.07″ profound). The cabinet is of course a fixed plan like all the models within the Unity Sound run in arrange to precisely replicate moo frequencies with prevalent transitory reaction and without any phase/timing anomalies associated with other designs.
The Mini-Rock is additionally the primary screen within the run with the exemption of the Torrential slide sub-woofer that employments a part dual-chamber cabinet with an Aperiodic Vent. This conveys all the benefits of a fixed cabinet such as zero harbour commotion and tight quick exact bass generation. It too essentially increments the bass reaction accessible from a littler cabinet plan. This tall recurrence driver enthrals with its lightning-fast reaction and wide energetic run, advertising negligible mutilation, parts of headroom and a particularly more extensive recurrence extend than ordinary arch tweeters. The comes about are a straightforward and easy sound picture which is non-fatiguing at any level and for long strongly observing periods.
The Fly tweeter was created to flawlessness on the premise of the popular Discuss Movement Transformer by amplifier pioneer Dr Oskar Heil. Its working rule is based on a concertinaed-foil film, driven by a solid magnet framework of neodymium bars. This engine drives the discuss impressively speedier than the pistonic movement of a customary driver, with picks up in higher affectability and uncommon elements. Due to numerous extra plan changes, counting extraordinary licensed sticking and surface forms progressed unused neodymium magnet framework, indeed higher productivity, higher sound weight levels and recurrence reaction up to 50 kHz was achieved.
Image: Unity Audio