Category: Knowledge


Mastering is the process of preparing and transferring recorded audio from a source that holds the final mix into a data storage device. This data storage device is known as a master. This is the last step in the process of making a professional-sounding song. Mastering acts like a filter: a type of audio post-production…
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Mixing is a process that combines multiple sounds into one or several channels. This combination includes multitrack recordings that transform into a final mono, stereo, or surround sound product. Within this process, you alter or enhance the source of the volume level, the dynamics, the frequency content, and the panoramic position. In addition, you adjust…
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Sidechaining compression is a very powerful tool that allows the user to control the dynamics of a source. This technique adds space, rhythm, energy, and separation to a mix. In addition, it involves threshold, ratio, attack, and release times. When using sidechain, the user can tell the compressor to monitor and control the level and…
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Audio Signal Processing

In particular, audio signal processing deals with electronic manipulation of audio signals, which are electronic representations of sound waves. They come in either analog or digital format. Firstly, analog signal processors work directly on the electrical signal, whereas digital ones work on the digital representation. We measure the energy contained in audio signals in decibels.…
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Modulation means changing the property of sound over the course of time. It adds motion, dimension, and depth to sounds. The process requires a source signal that controls another signal. The source signal is the modulator, whereas the controlled signal is a carrier. Modulators don’t create sounds, but they do change them by manipulating the…
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Oscillators are circuits that produce a continuous, repeated, and alternating waveform without using any input. They are a simple way of creating a specific frequency of a signal. In short, they work by converting unidirectional current flow from a DC source into an alternating waveform.  Oscillators: a Description Oscillators are amplifier circuits that have positive…
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Waveforms are graphical representations of the shape and form of a signal moving. Their shapes determine what the signal sounds like: its timbre. The sound produced by a waveform depends on its shape, and these can be random and complex. For example, synths and modern keyboards create sounds with complex waveforms. The waveform of steady periodic…
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MIDI Controllers

A Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI controllers, is any hardware or software that produces and transmits MIDI data to MIDI-enabled devices. This process triggers sounds and controls parameters of electronic music performances. Engineers typically use MIDI to send MIDI data to a music-making software. When the software receives the data, a sound generates. MIDI Controllers:…
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Analog and Digital Audio

Analog and digital audio signals transmit information through electric signals. To begin with, an analog signal is a continuous signal, whereas a digital one has discontinuous values. The main difference between them is that, in the former, the information transforms into electric pulses that vary in amplitude, whereas in the latter the information transforms into…
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Musical Acoustics

Musical acoustics involve researching and describing the physics of the way sounds produce music. They combine knowledge from several multidisciplinary fields, including physics, psychophysics, ethnomusicology, signal processing, instrument building, organology, physiology, and music theory. The field studies the functioning of mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids, in particular focusing on sound, ultrasound, infrasound, and…
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