Here we go again: in this entry we’ll let you in some more social media tips regarding music marketing. Social media, boosting your audience, and a couple of succinct tips to help you do this in the most efficient manner. It might seem like a never ending topic. That’s because, though not infinite, the possibilities these sites offer are so vast and large that any aspiring artist has to keep looking onto new ways to exploit them. If they do, they’re sure to find new and creative ways to introduce their work to new people over and over again. To save you the hassle for now, though, here are another couple of tips you can use to get ahead on the social media game.
More Social Media Tips: Get to their Hearts
We’ve already covered the importance of creating a good front page on your social media sites. From choosing the right cover image and color palette to better represent the tones and themes of your album to how to have your music be a part of this presentation in the form of links to streaming services which are readily accessible to your fans. Another good tip is to keep a constant social media presence. You don’t want your profile to resemble a barren wasteland after all. Consequently, constantly giving updates and engaging with people is a good way to stay on their minds (and their hearts). Try to engage with people by discussing your work, talking about your experiences as a musician, and anything and everything that you think will help people pay attention to you and your music. (A reminder of Ben Rossman’s ABCs is useful here.)
But Here’s a Warning
However, the constant updates will have the effect of an ever changing top post. Though this by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, a really great thing is pinning important posts to the top of your page so they don’t get lost in time. Choose one or three (depending on the site) posts which you consider important to keep above all the rest (your album’s release date, a music video for your newly released song, the dates for your next concerts) and pin them to the very top of your page. This way, if someone inexplicably doesn’t linger on your page to check all of your posts, at least they’ll get the chance to see the more important updates.