The Distributor in Music Distribution 

The music distributor is the figure in charge of dispensing the musician’s product to the public. As you can see in our entry on music distribution, there are two types available today: the traditional and the digital. What is most important is to learn how distributors help you within the music marketing logic. In this entry, thus, we will sketch the basics.

A Summary of the Types of Distribution

The first type is the traditional: the artist gets to a record label and this, in turn, connects the product with the distribution company. This means that distributors got records into stores and, therefore, got people to go buy them through promotion. The second, the digital, functions within the virtual universe through digital stores and platforms. 

On to the Music Distributor

In short, the distribution of music is all about how labels or digital contractors help artists deliver their music to consumers around the globe. The music distributor is, therefore, a key piece of the puzzle in music marketing. The job of this figure, which can be a person or a company, is to get your product rolling into the market.

As with anything business related, there are many forms of distributors. For instance, indie distributors only work with indie labels. Another case in point is the clearinghouse distributor. This figure works with any person who comes along; that is, they do not pick and choose a genre or a type of artist. In contrast, there is the selective music distributor: one who takes deep care and research to sign an artist up. This instance is much more demanding for it looks into the label with which you’re working, too.

What You Should Know

To begin with, whenever you’re expecting to form a distribution deal, be aware that most distributors want a product that is ready to go. That is, a finished product, one that can be put on the physical or digital shelves by the time you approach them. Unlike this situation, there are other distributors that offer manufacturing and distribution (M&D) deals. In this instance, the distributor pays the manufacturing costs of an album upfront. However, s/he keeps all the income from album sales until that initial investment is paid off.​

Music Distribution: a Conclusion

No matter the types of distributors, the thing is you need to get your music into the world. Explore every option available to you and investigate which ones are the best. In other entries we show you some tips on how to seal your distribution deal.