The Abbey Road Studio 3 plugin brings the control room of Abbey Road Studio 3 to your earphones, so you’ll produce and mix dependably wherever you’re. Head following by the Nx Head Tracker upgrades the plugin’s immersive realism. The Abbey Road Studio 3 plugin reproduces the acoustic environment of the amazing Abbey Road Studio 3, inside any set of headphones. It conveys the same acoustic reaction you’d be hearing within the sweet spot of the Studio 3 control room, with the same stereo (or encompass) image, and the same well-balanced maintenance over the whole recurrence range.
Presently you’ll be able to mix and deliver within the same environment where blending and generation sessions for Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Amy Winehouse, Radiohead, and numerous more were made and perfected. The plugin permits you to select between the three sets of high-end speakers at Studio 3 (near-field, mid-field, far-field), as well as the studio’s full 7.1 or 5.1 encompass speaker setup. It moreover highlights earphone EQ calibration for chosen prevalent earphone models. This combo moreover incorporates the Nx Head Tracker, which tracks your head developments with exactness, in arrange to improve the immersive encounter of being interior the Abbey Road Studio 3 control room.
Utilize Abbey Road Studio 3, total with head following, to induce a solid representation of how your earphone mixes and preparations will sound on speakers. Whether you’re absent from your acoustically treated mix room, or essentially don’t have one, you’ll presently mix on earphones and reliably foresee how your mixes will sound on other systems. The centre image has been always a difficult one to crack when using headphones, but this plug-in can do it amazingly. Thanks to the Abbey Road Studio 3 Nx it will open a whole new level of mixing on headphones for you.
Image: Waves Audio