Softube has a long history of modelling proficient gear. They have a strong track record reproducing unquestionable classics in computer program frames that sound accurately like their equipment counterparts. After two decades working in collaboration with premium professional sound brands like Tube-Tech, Solid State Logic, Chandler Limited, Weiss Engineering, and Trident. Empirical Labs Lil FrEQ builds on this legacy. Naturally, they took the same meticulous approach as always. Everything must be precise, with skillful recording, exact testing, and tweaking to sound. Just like the gear that powered it, or even better.
Empirical Labs Lil FrEQ is easier to use than to spell!
With a super-useful parameter set to spread out over an unheard-of eight areas of handling, Lil FrEQ offers you the capacity to immediately A/B the effect of each segment as you alter and fine-tune them. Since, in expansion to an ace bypass, each of Lil FrEQ’s eight areas highlights its possess devoted bypass switch. Lil FrEQ lets you are doing with one EQ what you’d regularly got to combine a few other devices to do. Lil FrEQ makes a difference you mix speedier and gets the sound you need quicker. The Lil FrEQ DS area combines tunable channels and a level free high-frequency location circuit that controls intemperate tall frequencies, such as sibilants or other sharp drifters, particularly within the nonattendance of lower-frequency content.
The enormous white handles set the scene. Quickly, you know you’re working with high-quality craftsmanship and amazing analogue sound, all in a super instinctive interface—to incorporate those blue markings. They let you precisely recreate the settings of one of the foremost classic British EQs. Softube truly modelled not just the look of the Empirical Labs Lil FrEQ but moreover the care and deliberate that goes into making it simple to utilize and an entire part of the fun.
Image: Softube