Antoka is a software plug-in by Puremagnetik, that annihilates your audio musically with a bit-crusher and enhances it with a resampler and an AM/FM crossfader all packed in one single plug-in unit. Atoka’s design is based on guitar pedals with ring modulation, envelope and distortion, just like the Moog MF-102 Ring Modulator that is now discontinued. The Antoka Robotic plug-in has several features that can enable you to achieve a range of sounds that vary from an extreme bit-crushed tone, all the way to much more subtle effects like layering some simple AM overtones and incorporating them into your sound.
This plug-in will respond to each of its new amplitude triggers in a dynamic way thanks to it following Gain detection and envelope in your input signal, making it viable to pitch track incoming audio. Incorporated into this versatile plug-in, you will also find a built-in LFO with a control that is labelled Cipher, this control will let you set the amount of modulation applied to the resolution of the effects. If you love 80’s lo-fi games sounds, then the Antoka Robotic Aniquilator is a good choice for you if you are looking for some creative sounds that resemble the era.
With the push of a button, the track button you can get instant access to various effects from the pitch tracker, making it easy to come back and forth from the original sound input and the overlay effects that you are applying. With downlink, you can enable the amplitude envelope specifically for the bit crusher, and this is triggered by the input threshold. This plug-in is available in VST and AU formats for both Windows and Mac users and can be downloaded via Puremagnetiks website with a subscription program or on its own.
Image: Puremagnetik