Colour Copy is a modern bucket-bridge delay plugin designed by u-he. Inspired by classic bucket- bridge delays (BBD), it is loaded with great modern features. These enhance the user experience and increase overall productivity.
The Traditional Coloration
This plugin delivers the particular coloration loved in classic BBD units, but also adds some extra color to top it off! For most delays, in this case, digital ones alter the size of the buffer. If you tend to modulate the delay time on a regular unit, some weird glitching sound will start to feedback as the buffer is reduced in size.
u-he’s Colour Copy: the Renovated Coloration
In this plugin, u-he captures the entire range of BBD, from rumbling low range delays to resonant ones. With a single movement of the knob, it will let you blend between the five tuned color macros onboard. This may seem like a subtle change, but it is rich in detail. With the saturation knob, you can control the prominent or subtle characteristics of the coloration you would like to apply. Additionally, with its brightness knob you can adjust the overall bandwidth. This provides a huge variety of several delay-based effects.
Why Choose Colour Copy
With an available routing option, you can swap or mix the input and feedback signal to “independently” or “invert phase” to get cancellation effects. Colour copy comes with a standard LFO that you can use to modulate the delay rate with a range of 0.05Hz to 20Hz. In turn, you can create tremolo, vibrato, and chorus effects. Also onboard this unit is a ducking compressor that you can select if you want to duck the complete delay or just feedback. Finally, thanks to a freeze button and an MIDI control, you are set to use the unit to perform.
Image: u-he