MIDI GRID by ADSR is an 8×8 grid-based generative MIDI sequencer. NI Reaktor designed it to create constant key-selected morphing patterns. This way, data can be sent to a synth via MIDI. The interface has three basic actions. These are are alive, dead or buffer, and they have an easy select and define procedure to change its type.
Squares bring life to your mixes with MIDI GRID
Dead squares don’t do anything, and they show up as a purge square on the interface. These ought to make up the larger part of the grid. Alive squares move in a course, and they show up like a bolt indicating in that course on the interface. At any point where they meet the edge of the net or another square, they will alter course. Alive squares trigger MIDI notes whenever they hit the edge of the grid. The controls to the left and over the platform select which notes activate when this happens. Buffer squares essentially sit still and hold up for alive squares to bump into them. They show up purple on the interface.
To make a decent fix in the MIDI platform, you need many alive and buffer squares. They will bump into each other as sequencer advances. The collisions will cause the squares to alter course, which might cause the MIDI yield to transform over time. It is this that will add a component of arbitrariness to your system. To correct the framework, there are controls for the key and scale, the speed of the sequencer, the length of the created notes, and speed. When you change keys and scales, the changes made will be harmonically coherent.
As a MIDI generator, MIDI Grid does not produce any sound by itself. You must connect the MIDI information to the synth of your preference.
Image: ADSR