The AWS (Analogue Workstation System) by Solid State Logic, reevaluated the professional production console by combining classic SSL SuperAnalogue™ console innovation with comprehensive DAW control equipment in a single work surface. The AWS is presently utilized by driving worldwide recording artists, producers and engineers and has moulded desires for session workflow inside today’s and undoubtedly tomorrows’ generation situations. AWS is accessible with 16 inputs (AWS 916), 24 inputs (AWS 924) or 48 inputs (AWS 948) inside a compact 24 fader outline. The AWS 916 has 16 mic pre’s, the AWS 924 and 948 have 24 mic pre’s. The AWS 916 & 924 have mono channel strips and the 948 has stereo/dual mono channel strips that offer a moment line-level input per channel to supply 48 summing channels.
All models provide perfect SuperAnalogue™ summing, 24 ultra-clean SSL SuperAnalogue mic pre’s, classic SSL double bend EQ on each channel, two assignable SSL Flow channels, incredible Stereo Transport Compressor, TotalRecall and full 5.1 observing. In expansion to onboard classic SSL Computerization, all models include the unused d-Ctrl framework. The AWS moreover highlights the Ethernet network for streamlined equipment control over your whole Computerized Sound Workstation environment. AWS conveys exquisite, ergonomic physical control with committed overwhelming obligation DAW transport, V-Pot multifunction encoders with position showing LED’s, Advanced Write Strips, DAW fader mode, worldwide and channel steering control and built-in TFT show for progressed plug-in altering. Venture Session Administration is kept straightforward through SSL’s restrictive Logictivity interface.
The AWS is an SSL SuperAnalogue support. Outstandingly moo THD, clamour floor & crosstalk levels keep your sound completely perfect, whereas our amazing headroom carries each subtlety of your sound and permits engineers to blend ‘hotter’ without twisting. Whereas the AWS offers a capable huge arrange simple support include set inside a compact support plan, it too goes encouraged than any other simple comfort by joining consistently into a DAW-based office by joining hands-on control of critical recording, steering, blending, and altering capacities in all major DAW applications counting Master Tools, Rationale Audio, Nuendo, Sonar and numerous others.
Image: Solid State Logic