The unused Rock MK-III is in generation and accessible, highlighting the unused 7″ / 180mm Gem Layer woofer plan utilized within the Mini-Rock and Boulder MK-III models. The Rock MK-III still holds the same measured Baltic Birch fixed cabinet and Corian front astound as past versions of the Rock at the side of the 50kHz Fly 5 collapsed lace tweeter. The same unique discrete analogue SP64 input/crossover is held as all the past Rock models, guaranteeing the same sonic impression that has proved to be so prevalent with thousands of clients around the world over a long time. The most sonic contrast over past models is higher SPL figures.
The Rock MK-III, like its MK-II forerunner, is an unimaginably precise, fundamentally acclaimed 2-way dynamic blending reference near-field screen, considered by numerous experts to be the reference all others are measured by. Planned for requesting sound experts crossing a wide run of applications counting following, blending and basic acing applications. The Rock is similarly at domestic sat on large-format blending support or in a high-end studio, a domestic studio or a mastering office.
Not at all like numerous near-field monitors, the cabinet may be a fixed walled in area that doesn’t depend on a reverberate harbour to convey low-end execution. The advantage of this plan logic is precise bass with superior time-space execution and a slow 12dB per octave roll-off as contradicted to a 24dB roll-off with ported plans. The cabinet is made from 12mm, 9-ply Baltic Birch plywood. To include thickness, mass and inflexibility the front confuse is fabricated from 12mm Corian and bonded to the 12mm handle perplex to supply the idealised mounting stage for the drive units.
The Fly tweeter was created to flawlessness on the premise of the celebrated Discuss Movement Transformer by amplifier pioneer Dr Oskar Heil. Its working guideline is based on a concertinaed-foil layer, driven by a solid magnet framework of neodymium bars. This engine drives the discuss impressively speedier than the pistonic movement of an ordinary driver, with picks up in higher affectability and exceptional elements.
Image: Unity Audio