The Arturia iMini is a software recreation of the iconic and classic monosynth that Dr. Bob Moog developed back in the 70s. The original monosynth was a 3-1/2 octave keyboard whose design aimed at being portable in comparison to other modular systems of the epoch. During that time, it became really popular with bands. For example, think of Depeche Mode, Steve Wonder, Jean Michel Jerre, and Kraftwerk. It was and still is famous for its signature bass and lead sounds; its reproduction makes it extra special. Later, Arturia teamed up with Dr. Bob Moog and released the first software emulation in 2004. There have been several attempts at reproducing its original sound. However, only Arturia made it possible thanks to their TAE analogue modeling technology.
Arturia iMini: a Rebirth
This reborn music production classic brought to us for employment on the iPad iOS platform. It has superior sound quality that simulates analogue sounds in a true to life experience. The Arturia iMini’s interface is like the original panel. Also, it includes a viewable keyboard, which facilitates the setting go scales, octaves, and other parameters. Moreover, it has access to a multifunction arpeggiator with two assignable XY pads, as well as a high-quality chorus and analog delay effects. It comes packed with more than 500 sounds that you can import from mini V software to let your creativity thrive.
You can connect your Arturia iMini to other apps for control. Similarly, you can send output to recording apps. This device also has full MIDI mapping capabilities and supports WIST to sync it to other iOS devices. Furthermore, there is another application that can greatly boost the experience: The Tabletop. With this app, you can integrate iMini with drum machines, sequencers, and mixers, which allows you to compose a complete song. When finished, you can export it as .wav or directly to Soundcloud. Lastly, this software also supports CoreMIDI by using the apple camera connection, with then you can use with your controller.
Image Arturia