EnRage by Boom Interactive is an Addictive Multi-Modular FX plug-in that is a superb tool that will let you open pandora’s box with unlimited possibilities to tweak and process your sounds. With this plug-in, you will enter a world of crazy wicked sound processing techniques and colours to apply to all your vocal and non-vocal audio projects. EnRage is a perfect tool for sound designers and music producers, with its powerful FX processing capabilities with more than 40 different devices ready to be chained and send out on a digital journey.
With more than 200 presets that are loaded on this plug-in, you will always remain in full control of whatever modifications and parameters you are working on. Some of the key features included in this audio plug-in will let you create your own personal effects with 10 different mod sources that are ready to be saved and shared.EnRange modulation options will let you interact and interwoven multiple effect chains that normally cannot be made with normal effect chains. Take the chance to expand your creative possibilities with a simple drag and drop macro assignment workflow to take full control of the plug-in.
The plug-in is packed with a great deal of creative material that can be achieved with over 200 factory presets that are ready for you to twist and mangle to give shape to your sounds. You can form and tweak your sounds to create your own unique sonic palette to save them and share them as well. This plug-in is not standalone and it requires you to use host software apps that can support VST 2.4 and VST 3. It also works with AU or AAX plug-ins and it will require iLook to use it on your Windows or Mac computer with the intel core i5 and 8 GB of Ram
Image: Boom Interactive