Tag: plugins

Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor Plug-in

The Germanium Compressor’s one of a kind character comes from a mix of a few imaginative approaches. The proportion settings are tuned by ear instead of math. The dial takes you from less to more instead of settling on particularly exact numerical values. And what does it matter as long because it sounds incredible? Knee…
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music production knowledge


Uphoria by AngelicVibes Software is a Trap, Hip Hop and R&B rompler plug-in that is designed for producers bringing them a whole new side of sound and approach. Uphoria has an exceptional sound design and a user-friendly interface that will outshine several VSTs that are out there and aimed for the modern producer. These days,…
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music production knowledge

Neutron 3 Advanced

The Neutron 3 Advanced from iZotope is an AI-enhanced mixing suite plug/in that will bring your mixing capabilities to a whole new level. With its features, it will give you assistive audio tech to enhance your overall mixing process with great interactive visual reference and lightning-fast performance to make your workflow smooth and efficient. With…
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music production knowledge


Voxessor by United Plugins is an intelligent vocal processing plug-in that will help you ern you are producing movies, videos, podcast, commercials, or even ebooks. It is mainly aimed to enhance and cultivate recorded speech covering all processes that are needed to treat voice for several industries with superb results with an impressive speed. With…
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music production knowledge

Waves Tune Real-Time

Waves’ Tune Real-Time plug-in is the dream tool for vocalists. It helps them stay on the right key and in tune when singing. With this plug-in, singers can confidently sing in tune. This will help them to stay focused and create more emotional performances. This plug-in provides smooth and natural-sounding vocal pitch corrections in a…
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music production knowledge

Vocal Bender

Vocal Bender is a real-time voice manipulation plug-in from Waves audio. With this plug-in, you will be able to manipulate the voice from your tracks in real-time to get that popular sound from hip hop, R&B, pop and electronic genres. Archive this fabulous sound with zero latency and with a simple and user-friendly interface that…
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music production knowledge

I Heart NY

I Heart NY is a parallel compression plug-in made and designed by Baby Audio. A must-have plug-in to create perfect punchy tones, and an excellent companion for your mix. In the 90s, producers began to talk about a certain and characteristic New York sound that was pioneered by great mixers and producers in the city…
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music production knowledge

Perfect Room

Denise Audio’s Perfect Room plug-in has a strong name to live up to, but we think that the performance levels on this simple plug-in don’t leave much room to argue about its name. Perfect Room is the perfect plug-in for sounding reverb that has a vast range of effects in its repertoire and has enough…
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music production knowledge

Comeback Kid

Baby audio has released the audio plug-in Comeback Kid which can be a super addition to your plug-in arsenal that can definitely be put to work whit a whole lot of functions and to go beyond your ordinary delay. With this plug-in, you will be able to dial in satisfying sound without the hassle of…
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