Denise Audio’s Perfect Room plug-in has a strong name to live up to, but we think that the performance levels on this simple plug-in don’t leave much room to argue about its name. Perfect Room is the perfect plug-in for sounding reverb that has a vast range of effects in its repertoire and has enough room to manipulate them. Perfect Room has more than 20 presets that are ready to use, some of them are subtle and others are extreme and are categorized by instrumentation giving you the chance to start right away with your mix.
The general operation of the plug-in is simple and intuitive, for example, tail. sharing and room colouring potions are fast and can change reverb behaviour in a split second. Flip is also there to reverse reverb in a very particular and creative way, epx¡anding a whole new world of possibilities. All of these controls can be found directly on the plug-ins front panel interface. The centrepiece of the intercede ios that waveform visualizer giving you live reference of sound shaping.
Onboard Perfect Room there is much room for tweaking and creative expression. with the sliders that control it, shimmer adds harmonic content whiles detune will make your sounds much deeper. Ducker is the third slider and it is essentially a compressor that is applied to the reverb which is excellent to use on a group of instruments. In the main parameters section, you will find that there is everything you will expect and need from reverb and a little more. This plug-in is basically a great sounding reverb that doesn’t have your typical metallic sound to it, and the interesting effects that you can add on top and the versatility of it makes it an extraordinary sounding reverb that we suggest to have in your plug-in arsenal.
Image: Denis Audio