The Parallel Agressor is a plug-in with unparalleled powers that will give your tracks the power and punch that they deserve. Parallel processing can be a fundamental part of your mix and it works by processing multiple copies of the same track and then blending them together in a natural way. The concept is simple and it works seamlessly by doing a specific job on the same track in sted of processing the hell out of a single one.
The plugin works by splitting your audio into three equal parts, the dry signal which is the original signal, spank which is a heavily compressed duplicate and heat which is a heavily saturated duplicate. The interface of the plug-in has several buttons and knobs to be handled during your workflow. Parallel Agresso si designed to give maximum sonic power with the lowest possible track count, with no extra faders or busses needed in your mix. It is recommended to use Parallel Agresor like a flavouring tool applied on an individual track that has not been previously processed. If you use it as a master bus on tracks that is already dense and processed, make sure to use it wisely.
The first engine, spank, add a punchy compression algorithm that is designed to adapt to your original audio signal. There are extra buttons to add extra punch, extra smack, sidechain filter and mono. The second engine is heat, used to add warmth and analogue modelled saturation with an aggressive approach, paired with style buttons to add extra hot, tone, and LP and HP filters. The auto gain will make sure to combine output gain and the dry level, letting you experiment with your mix balances and keeping consistency. Parallel Agressor comes with 25 presets by Baby Audio, as well as some from others.
Image: Baby Audio