Pitching to Music Journalists

Music marketing is all about getting your music into the world—and one of the fundamental ways to do it is by effectively pitching it to music journalists.  The music industry is widely connected to the social arena and its ways to reach out to the largest number of people possible. For this reason, when you’re forming your marketing plan and strategies, you must keep in mind those who are in charge of validating your talent. In the case of this entry, we’re focusing on music journalists.

Why Pitching to Music Journalists?

Just like we mentioned before, music journalists are authorities in this field who can testify to the pertinence and relevance of your productions. You should pitch to them because their qualifications might place you within the most respectable circles in the industry.  So, for starters, the initial step is to research who are the music journalists that might be interested in the type of music you produce: who might be skilled and sympathetic to your production.

    After you’ve reached out to the people you’ve narrowed your focus on, most commonly via introductory emails, you need to prepare an initial pitch.

The Initial Pitch

It must include the most basic information about you and your record. Tell them what instrument you play and if you do it by yourself or in a band. (Note: only include the indispensable biographic information.) If you play more than one instrument, make sure you mention it. Determine what’s your genre and your branding, but do not take too much space in doing so. Most importantly, answer the question “why should this music journalist be interested in my music at this moment?”

While pitching to a music journalist, include the practical information they’re looking for. One of the most important elements is the link to your website. The reason being that this is the place where they’ll be able to listen to your music immediately. If you can, add your live tour schedule (with dates and venues, of course), album release dates, and previous discography. Put in press clippings and pictures—a strong visual image is always beneficial.

Pitching to Music Journalists: Conclusions

Keep in mind that music journalists are yearning for the discovery of new and exciting content. Make sure you present your creations in this fashion! If you’re at a point in which you’ve already established a repetitive audience, make sure to let the journalist know. When the music journalist is interested, there’s a guarantee that their piece of writing will be worthwhile for potential new readers as well.