SoundWeaver, by Boom Interactive, is an advanced sound layering plugin. It automates and randomizes some parts of your sound design workflow. This plugin works by automatically aligning and layering your sound, which helps you to create more and work less. SoundWeaver was fabricated to solve a particular situation. That is, to produce variations of sound with automated pitching, shifting, and element switching of original sound sources. With its easy controls and particular interface, it requires no time to get hold of time-consuming steps. Actually, it is just ready for you to listen and pick the ones you like.
SoundWeaver: Your Creative Companion
The creative process will thrive with new combinations that SoundWeaver offers. Once your library has grown to a certain point, there is not much experimenting you can do manually. For this reason, with SoundWeavers’s randomize feature you can generate some serious combinations you wouldn’t think were possible.
This plugin is similar to opening pandora’s box. It offers you a whole new world of options! SoundWeave is the perfect way to start a new sound or music project.
Some Interesting Features
One of the key features of SoundWeaver is an easy drag and drop folder workflow. The other one is a keyword search. But these are two among many! In addition, try pitch, offset, gain, shuffle, and switch, plus many export options.
Regarding the keyword situation, this plugin can search your entire sound library. As a result, you find perfect matching sounds for your project. Moreover, the sounds are grouped, layered, and split into regions ready for individual sound tweaking. The plugin can also take snapshots and drag-and-drop projects into your DAW to edit and export your final project. As an extra step, SoundWeaver can generate a plethora of variations for your unique project. It does so during export via pitch and offset, readily for randomization.
The systems required for the plugin are Windows 7, on 64 bit, and an Intel Core i5 with 8 GB. For Mac users, the requirement is OS X 10.9, same Intel Core, and 8GB of Ram.
Image: Boom Interactive