Latest Posts Should You Be Using It? may be your solution if you’re facing trouble sharing your music on different services. is a marketing platform that allows you to create smart links where you can list, in a simple but attractive fashion, the streaming platforms your music is currently on. The way this platform  achieves its purpose is by setting…
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The Music Promoter

Another important figure in the world of music marketing is the music promoter. The person in charge of this job will mainly publicize and promote your performances. These include both  gigs and bigger concerts. The whole point of this activity is to keep on nurturing your brand, so that your audience becomes larger and larger…
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Electronic Press Kit (EPK) – Part II 

This is a continuation of our Electronic Press Kit (EPK) – Part I. In this previous entry we defined what the EPK was and its basics. In addition, we began letting you know what its components are: the bionote, the promotional pictures, the press clippings, achievements (like awards), social media links, and contact information. If…
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Electronic Press Kit (EPK) – Part I

The electronic press kit is a digital version of the promo package: it has the function to highlight you from the crowd. Just as the latter, the EPK is an informative and professional multi-page virtual document that you present to the potential client. In more precise terms, musicians use it as a general online résumé…
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Promotional Copy

In marketing, a promotional copy is another one of the writing prompts you should be familiar with. Broadly speaking, a copy is a written proposition whose objective is selling whatever product you’re trying to sell. It’s different from any writing you’ve learned at school because, with the abundance of information that we currently have in…
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Music Promo

In music marketing, a music promo is what in marketing terms one calls a promotional copy. In other words, it is, generally speaking, a duplicate (or copy) of an album that has advertising purposes. It’s different from a music demo in that the demo is a rough recording, whereas the promo is a finished version,…
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Music Demo

A music demo (which is short for demonstration), it is a sample recording of your music. It includes either a song or a group of songs, which are usually for reference use when promoting your music. In other words, they’re not meant to be an entire album. The purpose of this is to reach potential…
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The Marketing Pitch

Crucial to any music marketing campaign is understanding what a marketing pitch is. This short line, as described in our “Pitching to Music Journalists,” aims at selling a marketing idea. In this case, the point is to convince a potential company that your music is worth the investment. Although marketing companies are usually the ones…
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Pitching to Music Journalists

Music marketing is all about getting your music into the world—and one of the fundamental ways to do it is by effectively pitching it to music journalists.  The music industry is widely connected to the social arena and its ways to reach out to the largest number of people possible. For this reason, when you’re…
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An Effective Press Release: Howard Mandel

Now that you’ve learned what a press release is, it’s time for you to ensure that yours is an effective press release. Luckily for everyone who’s starting in the music marketing of their career, Howard Mandel, the president of the Jazz Journalist Association, has created a basic scheme for producing one impactful document. We think…
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